+(91) 7838459802

Educational Content

Content and training programs for individuals, schools, colleges & corporates

HT&E content consists of various courses for individuals, complete CBSE/IB aligned lesson plans for grades KG-12, and various training programs for students and teachers.

There are grade wise self-teach courses in Mathematics, English, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, World History, and Economics.

Our unique Virtual Labs give the student a highly visual interactive approach to experimentation. The students are encouraged to experiment by changing various parameters and see the effect it has on all other outputs. These virtual Labs allow the students to make predictions, enter the parameters into the Virtual Lab and immediately see the accuracy of their predictions.

For each grade/subject group, there are many courses that cover specific topics within that subject.

Self-Teach Courses

  1. Self-Teach Courses
  2. Interactive Lesson Plans for Grades KG-5: English, Mathematics, EVS,
  3. Interactive Lesson Plans for Grades 6-12: English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Economics
  4. Teacher Training, Effective Teaching Techniques, Classroom Management, Personality Grooming, Public Speaking, Interview Techniques,
  5. Virtual Labs: English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics